Hi folks ... Big D at your service.
Well, things sure got comical around here when old Scout chewed up that brand new collar ... talk about hollering! Scout better lay low for awhile as everyone is mad at him. Hahaha! Mamma Red won't stay mad long though ... she loves us too much.
We had us a pretty good weekend over here. Lots and lots of work got done gutting the old trailers over at the new kennel site. The yard is half cleaned up and we have lots of firewood done already.
While it's on my mind .... I'd like to remind you fine folks that tick season is starting. I have already heard the folks on the east side of the Mersey River have seen a few. Time to start the full body checks every evening. Great way to bond with your fur babies anyway. And remember ... kill those little beasties .... don't just throw them in the trash because they will crawl back out. Squish 'em good!
Sunday morning was the start of Rosie's new adventure. She's a lucky girl ... gone off to a fine place near Windsor and will get all the attention and training she needs. She was a good girl going onto the trailer .... no problems at all.
She was looking good too, until she got to tearing around and wiped out in the mud.
So, Rosie's departure frees up space and time for Fireball Kennels. It's another big step toward getting the new location up and running. Mamma Red has plans for Rosie's barn to be the new garden tool shed. She's running out of places to store things like mowers, saws and such.
Here's me showing off in front of company. Have you ever seen a more handsome fella than me? I don't think so.
What do you think of Mamma Red's boots? We love them!
That's all for today folks. I'm afraid we can no long share this blog on the Facebook Group, Boxers in Newfoundland due to their restrictions for advertising breeders. We sincerely hope you fine folks over that way have already bookmarked our page.
Fireball Kennels
Boarding, Breeding, Grooming
Fireball Kennels
Greetings Fireball Friends and my (our) utmost apologies for the extended absence. All I can say about that, is ..... Shit is Getting Done! Yeah.
I wish I could report about spectacular spring weather here in Hunts Point ... but that wouldn't be truthful. Wet and cold. Sadly only intermittent lounging in the sun has happened. This has been most disappointing. The extended cold rain has caused a bit of drama for my dear friend Missy, out Bangs Falls way. They have been absolutely stranded by the rising Medway River. I have had to commandeer the internet here for extended periods just to monitor the situation. We've seen a couple of videos ( which I don't seem to have the thumbs to embed here ... I have tried very hard though ). Poor Missy and her family were unable to get out for several days. We've been quite concerned.
Now folks, it's time for a heartfelt confession. Let me explain the background story. You see, I have been bugging Her Ladyship with some exaggerated frequency to get hold of Ripley's mom, the lady who makes them over by the beach, and to commission a special collar for me. Why? Well, because, being the undisputed King of Fireball Kennels, I bloody well deserve it, don't you think?
Well, those two ladies had a couple discussions and worked out the details, and this is the wonderful collar that appeared:
Now, what are your thoughts on this one? I personally think it's over the top cool. It has quite a weight as well, making it a manly protective collar. Nobody can bite through 30 hex nuts set in the center. So, before I continue to the most awful embarrassing part, I'd like to take this opportunity to remind you that all collars shown here on this blog are available at the following Facebook page : Fireball Kennels Once there just post to the Message area and a dialogue will begin within a day. Don't be shy ... we're a most cordial group here.
Okay, on to one of the most mortifying moments of my life. I have been working rather steady this spring, and with the girls in season, I haven't really been eating all that I usually consume. Have to keep a trim waist for the ladies, you know. Well, consequently, I discovered, quite by accident mind you, that I could slip it over my left ear if I tilted my head in a certain way. Well, once it was off, I could admire it properly and I may have licked the buckle a bit too hard, leaving some small indentations all over it. Thankfully, it still works, but Her Ladyship is most displeased. Ripley's mom lost her shit and I seem to be the brunt of all jokes as well as being in the proverbial doghouse. Some else please do something stupid to take the focus off my horrible mistake!
A very good day to ya, Fireball Friends. Seems it's been a wee spell since we put anything on here but with all this nice weather we're havin' (and about friggin' time, I tell ya!) there's just no end of the stuff that got to be done outside and in.
Now today has turned out to be the best one yet! Here's a couple shots taken down to one of the beaches just this morning:
An't that something! Betcha wished ya lived here, don't ya? This is the reason we love it here. This area right around here has lots of beaches ... just about whatever you're looking for in a beach, you can find here. Except warm water. If its swimming ya want, ya best be bringing your own wetsuit because, Byes, I gots to tell ya, the water here never gets very warm.
Check out this shot right here ... taken at the far end of Carter's Beach where the stream cuts through just before the second beach. At high tide this part right here is as deep as the Ol' Miss's shoulders. If you been sneaking yer beer over to the second beach, you likely have had the fun of holding yer gear way up over yer head coming back. It's warm here too and all the little kiddies finds it all kinds of fun.
The second beach here is a long one and a right good walk for us dogs. Rarely crowded due to lack of places to park ... you really can't get a lot of vehicles near this place. We likes it that way. The best part is that there's a third beach beyond the second. It's a long walk ... best take a picnic with ya. Take your binoculars too because rumor has it there's folks down there like to run around without their shirts and britches! Ain't never seen it myself, but Ripley's Mom did once. Said there wasn't much to look at since they was all over 70!
Look .... there goes the Ol' Miss with another load of wet blankets. Seems like its a fine day to hang the wash outside too.
I was gonna have a word with yas all about something we boys been grumbling about lately. I guess it started with all the hoopla over that Hunter puppy and her siblings ... Roxy, Spot, Caper, Pete, Lucy, Macy and Shadow. Them bunch over beside Carter's does a lot of yakking over the computer and they're always bragging they done this and they done that. Well, the last while they been sending pictures too and I suppose we're a tiny bit slow but it just hit us the other day .... All those bitches got brand spanking new Paracord Side Buckle Collars! Not only that, but the collars is the same ones we sell right here at Fireball Kennels and what we want to know is why us boys don't have brand new collars too? Can somebody answer that?
Okay ... now that we've caught on, I expect our own brand spanking new Paracord Side Buckle Collars are on the way! They better be! After all, it's us boys here that represents the bloodlines available here at Fireball Kennels.
It's Ripley and Hunters mom over by Carter's Beach that makes them for us. She's pretty crafty ... does all kinds of stuff from spinning her own yarn to making quilts. I can kind of understand why the bitches got theirs first but now we demand ours too!
So Fireball Friends, all ya got to do to get one for your furbaby is send a private message to Fireball Kennels with the exact size of the neck. We add an inch for comfort. We have lots of colors so include your favorite choices. These lovely collars are only 16 dollars. We add three bucks for Shipping and Handling if you live out of the local area. Blame Canada Post. They're a little overweight for letter mail.
Greetings my friends. I hope the Easter Bunny found all of you ... if you choose to believe in such things. It certainly is a beautiful day. Its nice and sunny but could be a bit warmer. There is still lots of snow to be melted.
I guess the big news today is that Rosie, the Drum Horse will soon be leaving us. She's off to a whole new life and training program up closer to the valley. She'll like it up that way as it's so pretty in the summer and there's lots and lots of new horse friends there too. Her Ladyship said she hasn't got enough time to train her properly and its a sin to waste such a beautiful animal. I have to agree with her.
Here's a picture of Rosie. She's beautiful when her mane and tail are all brushed up. She has those fancy feathers all over her lower legs too. She'll make a great parade horse once she's been taught a few things.
Her ladyship was over by the beaches yesterday to have supper with her new friends. That's where my sweetie, Ripley and my daughter Hunter live too. She was pretty happy when she got home, so it must have been a nice time. Here's a couple new shots of Ripley and Hunter. They sent these over to me this morning.
They're a lazy bunch over there by the beaches. Seems all they ever do is lay in the sun.
Now I have to tell you about my son, Caper who's living up in Halifax! He's a big fella already at 17 weeks and it seems he's got quite the sense of humor. Here he is wishing everyone a Hoppy Easter.
He's so funny with his extra skin all hauled up around his face. Yes, those are his real ears.
Looks like I have work to do today as I hear Missy is coming for a little visit. I am a busy busy man!
Have a great day everybody and keep checking here for more updates and stories from Fireball Kennels in beautiful Beech Hill. Located in Hunts Point, Nova Scotia, we do breeding in Boxers, Bull Mastiffs and Neopolitan Mastiffs, as well as boarding and grooming of all breeds. Add us to your bookmarks.
Fireball's Facebook Page
Hey Fireball Friends ... Malakai here again. Well Byes, things sure never go as planned eh? Me and that stuck up Scout planned this thing all winter and never once, not one figgin' time, did Big D ever offer an opinion. He mostly watched stupid commercials on TV and slept! He snored and farted a lot too! So how's me and Scout gonna know he wanted in on it? Anyway, that ain't really what's got my balls in a vise this mornin' .... its the fact that the first thing we planned was NO FRIGGIN' WOMEN in here. So what's the first thing Scout blabbers on about? His daughter and her silly visit out to Dr. Barry's place. Lots of things I'm not understanding about this because Scout has hundreds of daughters, so what's so friggin' special about this Hunter chick? She's way too young to be of any interest around here anyway, so I have no idea why he even mentioned her. So, no sooner is Scout's back turned, and he shuffled off to the window to moon about Missy, his latest crush, when over sneaks Big D. Okay, 'sneaks' ain't a great word 'cause Big D is so clumsy he can't sneak anywhere. But while he's throwing his two cents worth into the bloggatron-machine, he got to go yammerin' on about his wife .... who's just slightly over what ya'd call nest robbin' age, if yas catch my drift here. Ain't fit! Big old dirty bugger! Well okay, so I guess I got to believe now that anything goes on here, does it guys? Is that the way we's gonna play? So much for the rules we worked on, eh Scout?
Well there really ain't a lot what's new around here. Still pretty quiet due to the snow and possibility of more snow. The driveway is a bit of a wreck right now and I suppose that puts folks off. The Ol' Miss says folks is still hibernatin' anyway. Hope they wakes up soon. One of the new co-breeders showed up yesterday in her new car and with her husband driving their old truck, which they left here. My guess would be they sold that truck to the Ol' Miss 'cause when she got home, she was doin' the Happy Dance and jumped in it and tore around the yard a bit. Did I mention how rusty it is? Some folks has no shame ....hahaha! But it's good to see the Ol' Miss happy like that.
That's all the goin's on I got for today folks. Hope things liven up around here soon. It's a nice warm day and maybe after her company goes home, the Ol' Miss will let me lay out in the sun for a wee spell. That would be nice.
Hey Babes! It's nice to meet you all. My name is Debo. You probably haven't heard much about me because, as you can see, I'm not a boxer. Its just been all about the boxers lately and it's never about me and my true love, so I try not to get too involved in the Fireball politics.
I don't have a harem of girls like that stuck up Scout, nor do I get his daughters as Malakai likes to gloat about. It's just me and my lovely Harley and we both like to keep things quiet. Mamma Red seems to be so busy with all that boxer drama, we get lots of time to just watch tv and relax. Does anyone else wonder if poor Matthew McConaughey will ever find his balance? This has been stressing me and Harley out of late ... I mean that poor handsome young Texan, forced to drive those Lincolns for money but just doesn't seem happy, does he?
This here's my sweetheart, Harley. We don't believe in having all them partners .... and kids .... like those damn heathen boxers!
So, Mamma Red decided to take me for a ride to the West End Grocery this morning. That place is always busy! While she was in there, I thought I'd help out and keep her seat warm for her. Then she was pissed that there were drool strings all over her steering wheel! No need to be so hissy missy! They're just drool stings! Anyway, I fixed her .... I stayed right where I was. For a good 10 minutes she tried to move my 160lb carcass out of her seat. Hardyhaaaarrrrhhaaaarrrr!
Now, before I leave, I just got to mention Mamma Red's meat stew. She made a fresh pot last night with bear and my dears, was it EVER GOOD! That woman is just magic with a stew pot. A nice surprise last evening too, when a friend arrived with a gigantic box just full of frozen venison. We sure are eating good these days. Gotta love all them folks who cleans out their freezers in the spring too. It's nice they think of us over here at Fireball Kennels.
Okay, me and the missus is going outside for a spell to get some sun. We think the missus is up the stump but we're not quite sure yet ... but we'll let you know soon.